Build your network, make friends, and share the journey

How can community boost your creativity?

artist community

How can we help you build your creative career?

Epiphany Space gathers artists across disciplines, regions and industries to surpass generic networking and help you build actual friendships with fellow creatives - artists and entrepreneurs who want to support each other and make wonderful things.

We do this with events and conversations that are focused and intentional, allowing members to get to know one another beyond their elevator pitch.

Epiphany Space is a warmly welcoming network of genuine, kind and professional creative types, around the world.

How is this online community different from a free Facebook group?

1. We find Facebook and Discord groups helpful in general, but they lack the privacy and exclusivity necessary for open conversations about all aspects of creative life.

To facilitate ongoing conversations and offer the opportunity to speak more openly about works in progress and deals in the making, we love the protected space of Mighty Networks.

2. One word: focus. How many times have we logged onto Facebook with a specific intention, and then suddenly 20 minutes have passed and we can't remember why we're there?

As a community with a specific purpose, we hope to cut back the clutter and streamline your ability to connect with fellow creatives.

3. Coaching! Melissa, Cortney and Becky are actively connecting people in this group and facilitating community and creativity.

Membership dues for networking groups and chambers of commerce start well beyond $220 annually. Our purpose for this group is to equip creatives with the resources and relationships to thrive - at an affordable rate.

about us

Founded in Los Angeles in 2010, Epiphany Space started as a common work space for freelance writers and filmmakers tired of isolated activity. 

Now, Epiphany Space continues to champion relationship and identity for artists and entertainment industry professionals – where image and success can reign supreme. 

"We want you to know you matter, no matter what’s going on with your career.”
Founder/Director Melissa Smith

Epiphany Space connects artists, freelancers, and creative entrepreneurs together in community to inspire creativity and collaboration, and the sharing of resources empowering artists to thrive in life and in creative careers.

Won't you join us?